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24 June 2019
  • Latest News tab of TOP KAL has been added.
  • domain is active included the other games/categories.
  • will be always active and running for Top Kal-Online Private Servers.
  • TopOfServers's page created on facebook for discussing and share upcoming servers.
  • Like and follow TopOfServers's Page On Facebook to receive news.
  • You are able to add custom tags for your server, enter a good tags/words for your server and for the selected category, it will help in searching and SEO.
  • The counted votes is vote points , we have renamed it to Vote Points to be clear.
  • 1 Vote = 7 Vote points
  • Invoice is payable without registration , you can send link to someone else to pay invoice.
  • [Today hits] statistic added to dashboard for your advertised servers.

  • Short link has been added , it helping you to share a short link with your friends/players for your vote page.
  • Short link is :
  • You can create your custom short link for example ,
    in Edit/Add Server Page.
  • Shortlink is visible in server's details page.
  • ScrollUp button has been added at right bottom of pages.
Time Now: 12th February 2025 , 05:15:00 Next Reset In: 16 Days, 18 Hours, 45 Minutes, 3 Seconds.

The most visited top servers website and the best for Kal-Online's players

KALONLINE - X | Low Rate | Anniversary | Tower Of Infinity | Newcomers...
Server Status: Online - Official

4 Characters | Low Rate | Brand New Character Progression Storyline Quests | Basic and Old School Items | Brand New Monster Hunting System | Emote System | Guild Rankings Based On Players Achievements In Game | Brand New User Panel That Allows Players To Unlock Different In-game Features | Intlike Maps | For More Information Join Our Discord

Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions

You must read and agree to these terms before submitting your site, server or gaming community.

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Voting and Ranking System

All listed websites and servers are ranked by the number of unique votes received each month.
We reset the number of votes on the first day of each month.
You agree to not use any kind of automatic booting system, proxy servers, vpn, scripts or any other mechanism or application that could lead to an unfair higher amount of votes for your listed website or server.
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We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about our terms and policies.
You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this terms and conditions periodically and become aware of modifications.

Last update on this terms and conditions was on June 14,2018 .

By register or purchase any service you accepting this terms and conditions.

We are back in business again this 2025. and as usual we are back with a New Storyline that will Introduce A New vision of KalOnline with more advanced Features || BattlePass System || A New worldmap || Low Midrate || A Metaverse System based on your Crafting - Missions : Join us at Discord for more info!